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The Erosion of Social Skills Due to the Pandemic and How it Affects Gen Z's Career Goals


The pandemic has changed the way we do business and interact with each other. It has also had a significant impact on how Gen Z employees perceive their education, career goals, and social skills. As the generations before them relied heavily on in–person interaction, Gen Z is faced with a unique challenge that requires them to learn new ways to be successful in an ever-changing job market.


A recent survey shows that 46% of Gen Z employees believe that the pandemic has made pursuing their educational or career goals more difficult. This could be due to a variety of reasons including job instability, lack of access to resources, or even fear of failure. These feelings can cause Gen Zers to become overwhelmed and uncertain about what they should do next.

In addition, 51% of those surveyed say that their education has not prepared them to enter the workforce. This could mean a variety of things such as being unable to properly communicate with colleagues due to a lack of social skills development or not having enough practical experience for certain positions. This skills gap may hinder Gen Zers from succeeding and progressing in their careers.


It is important for employers and HR leaders alike to recognize this issue and take steps toward helping bridge this gap by providing resources such as online networking opportunities, mentorship programs, workshops, or virtual internships for those who need additional training or guidance. Additionally, employers should strive to create an environment where Gen Zers feel comfortable expressing themselves openly while still maintaining professional boundaries.

The erosion of social skills caused by the pandemic is a major concern for Generation Z since it affects their ability to pursue educational and career goals successfully. However, employers can help bridge this gap by providing resources like virtual internships and mentorship programs that give these young professionals an opportunity to strengthen their communication skills while gaining practical experience in their chosen field. With the right support systems in place, Generation Z will be able to confidently navigate through this changing landscape and achieve success both now and in the future.


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